Sunday, October 4, 2009

School has begun....

I have had no time for anything other than 2 showers, a you know what, and two point five meals each day. This program that we started ... I stole the idea from other people, primarily my mom, and kept pushing it until "they" said yes ... has been an enormously stressful and time consuming disaster. What is it? Basically the school district says that the students are heterogeneously grouped, but they're really not. ESL students who speak Spanish are kept separate all day. Special needs students (all of them in the grade level) are in one homeroom filled the rest of the way with gifted students. Those special needs kids only have science and history/health (that's a whole other issue - the kids don't understand that NJ is a state and not a country, but the district thinks it's okay for the social studies teacher to have to spend two days a week on health...can't the gym teacher do that? I'm sure they'd want to if they knew their students think that we live in the country of New Jersey). The special needs kids don't have me for math or problem solving or my co workers for reading or those periods the gifted students, who aren't most in need of lots of one on one time with us are in a small group setting multiple times during the day. Others, who are borderline in need or special classes, are packed into other groups b/c the group with the special needs and gifted students has a cap on it. So I'll have a math class with lots of troubled learners...24 kids, then I'll have a class of gifted kids...8 kids. How is this okay?

In an attempt to help us move towards a better situation I suggested (rather nagged) that we have heterogeneous homerooms and that those homerooms would travel JUST to the activity classes together (world language, gym, art, computers, and music). The district chose this year to impose on us teachers another turd-tastic program that they chose not to have staff test run before purchase. Last few years it was an online plan book/teacher web page combo. I hate it, it sux, the web page doesn't accept hardly any widgets. Now it's an online gradebook. While I love the idea, had they asked me to try it (I would have volunteered w/o pay b/c I'm an idiot) I would have known right away that this would have posed a problem for our heterogeneous groups b/c we would need a middle school format of the program.

People up top I guess don't see the benefit of the program as much as we do on the bottom. I have bilingual students becoming best friends with special needs and regular ed students. My final dream... that science and social studies/health be totally mixed along with activity classes.

I've been crying every other day. People have lost patience with me. I've seriously thought about how Mr. G and I would survive if I quit. I really feel that unless I de-stress I will not get pregnant. So, that's where I've been. What's been up with you?


Lupie said...

Why did I give birth to two daughters who care too much!

Unknown said...

Big hugs! I hope things get better... I'm sending big hugs for you!

Anonymous said...

You have had quite a bit on your plate and everything you say is absolutely correct and its a shame that they don't listen to YOU. I can hear the stress via your blog posting. Please try to de-stress, as you are quite gifted and have some gift to give everyone that you come in contact with. You are so special.

After reading your post I hate to ask you but would you please check out my new blog and let me know what you think an how you would make it better as you are truly a master at these things and I am not so great.

I am desperately trying to change the song selections on my playlist, not successful and I want to add my own pictures as a slideshow, can't seem to do that either. A little frustrated and could use some help. ONLY, if you have time email me at: with suggestions.

Please stay well.


About Me

My Photo
Zel, The Grimm Witch
A woman on a number of missions...
View my complete profile


as zelphine, my favorite alias:)

My Favorite FOs

Baby Poncho from
Knit Baby Blankets
Berroco's Vintage

Ribbed Lace Bolero from
10 feet high
in Cotton Ease

Short & Sweet from
The Happy Hooker
in Caron Simply Soft

Wicked Bunny Baby Sweater

Griffin's Cotton
EZ Baby Surprise

Emma's Cotton Tot's
Debbie Bliss Baby Bolero

Griffin's Cotton Tots
Ripple Blanket

Sophia B.'s
EZ Baby Surprise

Yarn Harlot Sox
in Rio de la Plata
for Geek of All Trades

Grumperina Jaywalkers
in Regia
for Lupie

EZ Tomten
in Jarbo Garn

Noro Silk Garden
Top Down Crop Sweater

Green Woman Sweater
out of
Berroco Ultra Alpaca



13 adult surprise jacket animals anime ann hood anne taintor Anniversary apartment araucania arja viitala art Aurora babies baby baby blanket baby clothes Baby Surprise Jacket beading berroco blanket blog blogger books bored broadway brooklyntweed bucket list cable cable sweater cable tomten cardigan Central Park Hoodie clapotis clapotis spreadsheet classroom code pink colorwork cowl craft crafting crap crochet crochet club Cyndi Lauper dad daycation Debbie Bliss eastern state Elizabeth Zimmermann ella Ellyn Cooper eloise elvira fair isle family feather and fan shawl February baby sweater fiber fest flat feet food friends Full Metal Alchemist future projects Gir grey gardens Griffin Griffin's Tomten hair halloween harvest hat heart fail hedera holiday homeroom house humor infertility intarsia isle jaredflood jaywalkers jewelry jitterbug kimono Knit in Public knitting Knitty Gritty L Labyrinth lace lace sweater lesser known skeins lions brand Living Dead Dolls loss lupie lupus Maggie marriage migraine mistake Mom movies Mr. Grimm Witch Muggles museum music New Jersey new york Niyaz obama october Orange Tote Muppet patagonia pattern patterns pehuen pepper pets pink sweater pinwheel pregnancy project runway rabbits raglan ravelry reading ribbed lace bolero Ridgewood ripple blanket roving Runway Knits scarf Schaefer school sheepish shopping sillyness Smudge socks Sophia's Tomten Spinning star trek Star Wars stash staycation Stephanie Japel stix-n-stitches student students superstition Surprise Baby Sweater sweater teaching the Birthday Massacre the chalkdust knitters the fashion show the L word the mighty boosh The Simpsons Threadbanger tomten toys tv twilight updates vacation Vibrant tomten Vickie Howell volunteer weddings weird nj wire work writing yarn Yarn Diva Yarn Harlot yarn store zoo
Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream