Sunday, September 11, 2011

No knitting this week

I got to meet my nephew as close up as possible, with sonogram. He is beautiful.

At one point he turned towards me. It was a different experience than when I had a sono, but it was just as amazing.

School has started. The kids seem cool. I'm super excited! I wish they'd all just understand that when things run smoothly we get to have way move fun; field trips, activities, events in school. I see all my kids from last year every day, but I miss teaching them. They are a terrific class and make teaching enjoyable.

This weekend we are celebrating little Elle's first birthday. My friend turned me on to a photo app called Hipstamatic, so I used it to document yesterday.

We went to the toy store on the hunt for the cuddliest Grover Monster we could find.

Mr. Grimmwitch had more fun than Ella did, I think!:) So, you see how the app produces an aged pic.

Ella did not like her cake. Due to her food allergies she has not eaten a large variety of foods and is unaccustomed to texture in her food. She puked up her tiny crumb of cake:( She wouldn't even eat the liquidy mix I made for her with formula, poor thing. Oh, and we got the awesome moment on video... from two points of view. Americas funniest home videos, here we come.

Other than that, Ella had a blast.

Here we are flippin' out.

Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in some knitting at some point this week.

In addition I want to get back to keeping up with Lesser Known Skeins, a group and web site my mom started on ravelry to link together many smaller blogs...button on the side here.
- Posted by GrimmWitch

Monday, September 5, 2011

The blanket ain't done

Sadly my sister's shower came and went and I have not yet finished the yellow and blue blanket
We did, however, have a great time. She was not surprised but I think she had lots of fun!!:)

Babywitch was her usual cute and crazy self. Here we are trying to get her to pass out.

Ella has been expanding her knowledge of the crawl level of the house slowly. She has now gotten into the living room. I think the table guards need to be released upon the room now.

- Posted by GrimmWitch

About Me

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Zel, The Grimm Witch
A woman on a number of missions...
View my complete profile


as zelphine, my favorite alias:)

My Favorite FOs

Baby Poncho from
Knit Baby Blankets
Berroco's Vintage

Ribbed Lace Bolero from
10 feet high
in Cotton Ease

Short & Sweet from
The Happy Hooker
in Caron Simply Soft

Wicked Bunny Baby Sweater

Griffin's Cotton
EZ Baby Surprise

Emma's Cotton Tot's
Debbie Bliss Baby Bolero

Griffin's Cotton Tots
Ripple Blanket

Sophia B.'s
EZ Baby Surprise

Yarn Harlot Sox
in Rio de la Plata
for Geek of All Trades

Grumperina Jaywalkers
in Regia
for Lupie

EZ Tomten
in Jarbo Garn

Noro Silk Garden
Top Down Crop Sweater

Green Woman Sweater
out of
Berroco Ultra Alpaca



13 adult surprise jacket animals anime ann hood anne taintor Anniversary apartment araucania arja viitala art Aurora babies baby baby blanket baby clothes Baby Surprise Jacket beading berroco blanket blog blogger books bored broadway brooklyntweed bucket list cable cable sweater cable tomten cardigan Central Park Hoodie clapotis clapotis spreadsheet classroom code pink colorwork cowl craft crafting crap crochet crochet club Cyndi Lauper dad daycation Debbie Bliss eastern state Elizabeth Zimmermann ella Ellyn Cooper eloise elvira fair isle family feather and fan shawl February baby sweater fiber fest flat feet food friends Full Metal Alchemist future projects Gir grey gardens Griffin Griffin's Tomten hair halloween harvest hat heart fail hedera holiday homeroom house humor infertility intarsia isle jaredflood jaywalkers jewelry jitterbug kimono Knit in Public knitting Knitty Gritty L Labyrinth lace lace sweater lesser known skeins lions brand Living Dead Dolls loss lupie lupus Maggie marriage migraine mistake Mom movies Mr. Grimm Witch Muggles museum music New Jersey new york Niyaz obama october Orange Tote Muppet patagonia pattern patterns pehuen pepper pets pink sweater pinwheel pregnancy project runway rabbits raglan ravelry reading ribbed lace bolero Ridgewood ripple blanket roving Runway Knits scarf Schaefer school sheepish shopping sillyness Smudge socks Sophia's Tomten Spinning star trek Star Wars stash staycation Stephanie Japel stix-n-stitches student students superstition Surprise Baby Sweater sweater teaching the Birthday Massacre the chalkdust knitters the fashion show the L word the mighty boosh The Simpsons Threadbanger tomten toys tv twilight updates vacation Vibrant tomten Vickie Howell volunteer weddings weird nj wire work writing yarn Yarn Diva Yarn Harlot yarn store zoo
Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream