Waiting for the storm. I may have gone overboard with the prep shopping.
The NJ governor was scaring me crapless on tv and this was the outcome.
Ella and I are killing time until Mr. G comes home from work.
Ever striving to improve the house, we have begun to work on the once mouse-poop-littered sunroom.
We had the room empty for the workers, but the storm forced us to shuffle furniture around.
We here in Jersey rarely have terrible hurricanes, but we did have a very snowy winter like other parts of the country.
So, the big business...
Ella walked two steps on her own yesterday. She hasn't tried again, but I'm sure she will today. Like my mom would says, 'you're not going to carry her to college.'
In knitting news...
Benny's blanket is a little more than half done, but may not be done for my sister's shower:(
It did, however give me an idea for a two sided blanket. I need to look on Ravelry and see if one is on there.
Got naptime knitting done!
So I need to do about three more sections of the basket weave, then I want to go around in garter with a mitered corner trim that's thick. Time's a' ticking...we'll see how far I get before shower day...
- Posted by GrimmWitch