So as I type this, only 54 more days until L's due date. I'm starting to have trouble sleeping. I'm also beginning to get tired more often. And the pelvic pain is getting more noticeable. This week I went to the mall and had two instances of people being shocked at my size. L is due in late September and I look like this...
So am I too big? I for certain don't know. I'll ask the Dr. next week what he thinks. All I know is that I feel fine other than those little nuisances listed above.
Getting ready for L to come has been my top priority. We were living with the construction for quite a long time for such small projects...over a month. Well over the estimated time the contractor originally gave Mr. G and myself. He seemed to not really be paying attention to the project, and mistakes and carelessness lengthened the work. The tile and fixture installer, however, was great, and did a wonderful job. We are currently waiting for the last inspections.

If you live in Jersey I recommend looking up Fuda tile if you're looking to renovate. The tiles are beautiful and the employees are great. One employee, thankfully, actually caught one of the mistakes my contractor had made involving the tile and was able to help us solve it before it was too late. Not to worry; he had plenty more mistakes up his sleeve to make up for it....

One of many mistakes...that is not my sink. I mean, it's my sink now, but I didn't pick it. I had a period looking sink picked out. I asked the contractor numerous times to measure and check the sizes of the fixtures. He apparently did not, and my sink didn't fit. Had he checked it as soon as it was delivered we could have ordered a smaller, but still Victoriany sink. He never checked, so the day of the installation the sink didn't fit. He went out to Joe Shmow hardware and bought some sink. He also had the nerve to blame the ill fit on Mr. G not measuring. He did this in front of Mom...Mommy don't play that. She knew that the only reason we'd hired a contractor and not handled hiring each individual on our own was b/c I'm pregnant and didn't want to over burden myself...she interjected, "Aren't you the contractor! Aren't you supposed to do that." Apparently he opted not to blame my husband any more after that...again...only one of many mistakes.
Sorry to go on and on, I could keep going too, it was just not a nice way for him to handle a gig, especially for a pregnant lady. The work went on for so long it bled into Mr. G's vacation...we couldn't go on our babymoon to Lancaster, and spent our 5th anniversary with all the construction going on around us. This was Mr. G's gift for me...

He got me dyed and dried black roses for a Valentine's day before we were married. The flowers were damaged during the construction and have to be thrown out. Here are my replacements drying in the closet. They are beautiful!!
Mom kept me company when Mr. G was at work all the other days of construction. She brought me, or rather, brought L a butterfly cupcake to help us manage:)

It was delicious!!:)
While the work was getting done Mom and I opted to do some nesting and reorganize my sloppy yarn stash so it would be out of L's way. We frogged some stuff I barely remembered knitting, like a thick winter hoodie with pocket done in Lionsbrand done in Chunky WoolEase and Homespun. I'm using the Homespun to make a blanket for Mom.

I also frogged the shawl I'd been making for my mother in law when she passed away. This was knitted in Wool in the Woods Bobcat.

I had to think for a minute a while back about what my mother in law would want me to do with this yarn. I hope to knit a hat and scarf for all three of her two nieces and L.
Now, neatened up, my stash looks like this.

Mom and I organized it by gage. Yes, there is a lot of it. There is one shelf that has novels on it, another that has knitting and crochet books, and a third with supply containers...everything else is yarn.
Directly adjacent to this new knitting storage is what will be L's playroom/guest room. It was our bedroom and will be again when L and whomever else we end up raising are old enough to be upstairs alone. Today we got the sleeper sofa and glider we'd ordered.

On the knitting front...
I frogged this bugger!

I really like this pattern so far, it's called
Kanoko. An earlier pic is on a
previous post. I may also be using the Wool in the Woods Bobcat to complete this project. And the Trendsetters Merino VI seen in the pic can be used for something else. It just wasn't coming out right. it was too stretchy in some places, and had no give in others.
I finished these
lacy socks. The pattern is something I came up with using two others...

Taken from a previous post...
If anyone wants to know how I meshed the two patterns let me know; I wrote it all down. These will go to my Titi Fina (Titi is aunt in Spanish) in Puerto Rico. I think she'll get a kick out of them:)
Finally, a picture of a lazy lay about:)