Saturday, January 30, 2010

Surprise, surprise...

So...come with me "now on a journey through time and space"... January 17th I felt terrible, running a fever, tired, PMSie. I was preparing for invetro fertilization within the next few weeks. The grocery bag full to bulging with injectables and pills for the procedure glared out at me each morning from the dining room table like a lopsided snowman melting in the heat of my nervousness.

I woke up on the 18th and when opening the linen closet spotted the dreaded pregnancy tests. I can't tell you how many of these I've used in the past few years, but I know I can't count the number on my fingers and toes. I really try not to use them because they are expensive and I always knew what the result would be...negative.

The morning of the 18th however, something felt different almost from the moment I woke up. My friends words skipping though my head... "I had cramps, my boobs were sore, I was tired," she's said.

"Let me try," I thought. I grabbed the test and did my business, then walked off to brush my teeth. I came back to throw the stick in the garbage...and there it was...days before I was suppose to start my IVF medication injections...a positive result. The cold silence of the morning was pulverized by hoarse voice screaming as best I could for Mr. G to wake up and look at the stick. He was concerned it was wrong; how could we possibly have gotten pregnant the one month we'd used no drugs after three years of nothing.

I took another from a different box...the same outcome. By the end of the day my bathroom garbage was full of pluses and double lines and I was 99.9% sure I was going to be a mom.

Now I'm almost six weeks with a grain of rice sized kid growing inside me. At long last, after years of planning, making decisions about school, career, home with nothing but this new person in mind, I'm pregnant.

And back to the Whirligig Sweater for my friends soon to be daughter, Nalani, is finished.

Front shot...

And back. I really like the way this came out.

I also finished the CLAPOTIS! Thank the gods. Pepper can finally get her scarf. I really feared that it would be too hot to use it by the time I gave it to her.

Thank the gods. Pepper can finally get her scarf. I really feared that it would be too hot to use it by the time I gave it to her.

I'm still working on a Spiderman blanket in crochet for my friend's grandson. It looks great but I am such a slow crocheter it's taking forever. I still have to finish the blue repeat, do a whole additional repeat of red, and the black lines shooting towards the middle.

I casted on this too ... the Dax Jacket from 2009 Interweave Knits Weekend. The pattern is by Katie Himmelberg and looks so squishy and soft. I'm just going to wing it with the colors (sea foam and white) b/c I have far more of the sea foam color. We'll see:)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Eh...Feeling Glum

Obviously...I haven't posted since October. I'm not pregnant yet, and after three years (just beginning my 4th year of trying) the fact that the one stupid thing I obsessed about, being a mother before 30, is most likely going to be impossible is weighing on me. I don't know why it was so important to me, maybe b/c I feel that I was shorted years with my own grandmother and Lupie is sick with, well, lupus. I'm not feeling great. People and things occupy my mind, but when I'm alone all I think about is what's next, how long until the next Dr. visit, the fear that next month will be fruitless like this month. I'm usually a very happy, up beat person, but watching children living with indifferent parents (you jerks, you don't know how lucky you are. All my students are awesome whether they are appreciated or not) and no pregnancy is getting me down.

Anyway...I am still working on the clapotis, but started a baby sweater for my pregnant friend (I am pure happy for her, thank the gods, no bitterness - that would drive me crazy). The baby girl is going to have a super awesome name, Nalani, and this will be her girlie sweater (pattern by Stephanie Japel: Whirligig Shrug in Interweave Weekend 2009)

In addition, my sister got me hooked on the Mighty Boosh, a British comedy centering around two pretty original characters. He's a funny clip from the episode Nannagedon.

About Me

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Zel, The Grimm Witch
A woman on a number of missions...
View my complete profile


as zelphine, my favorite alias:)

My Favorite FOs

Baby Poncho from
Knit Baby Blankets
Berroco's Vintage

Ribbed Lace Bolero from
10 feet high
in Cotton Ease

Short & Sweet from
The Happy Hooker
in Caron Simply Soft

Wicked Bunny Baby Sweater

Griffin's Cotton
EZ Baby Surprise

Emma's Cotton Tot's
Debbie Bliss Baby Bolero

Griffin's Cotton Tots
Ripple Blanket

Sophia B.'s
EZ Baby Surprise

Yarn Harlot Sox
in Rio de la Plata
for Geek of All Trades

Grumperina Jaywalkers
in Regia
for Lupie

EZ Tomten
in Jarbo Garn

Noro Silk Garden
Top Down Crop Sweater

Green Woman Sweater
out of
Berroco Ultra Alpaca



13 adult surprise jacket animals anime ann hood anne taintor Anniversary apartment araucania arja viitala art Aurora babies baby baby blanket baby clothes Baby Surprise Jacket beading berroco blanket blog blogger books bored broadway brooklyntweed bucket list cable cable sweater cable tomten cardigan Central Park Hoodie clapotis clapotis spreadsheet classroom code pink colorwork cowl craft crafting crap crochet crochet club Cyndi Lauper dad daycation Debbie Bliss eastern state Elizabeth Zimmermann ella Ellyn Cooper eloise elvira fair isle family feather and fan shawl February baby sweater fiber fest flat feet food friends Full Metal Alchemist future projects Gir grey gardens Griffin Griffin's Tomten hair halloween harvest hat heart fail hedera holiday homeroom house humor infertility intarsia isle jaredflood jaywalkers jewelry jitterbug kimono Knit in Public knitting Knitty Gritty L Labyrinth lace lace sweater lesser known skeins lions brand Living Dead Dolls loss lupie lupus Maggie marriage migraine mistake Mom movies Mr. Grimm Witch Muggles museum music New Jersey new york Niyaz obama october Orange Tote Muppet patagonia pattern patterns pehuen pepper pets pink sweater pinwheel pregnancy project runway rabbits raglan ravelry reading ribbed lace bolero Ridgewood ripple blanket roving Runway Knits scarf Schaefer school sheepish shopping sillyness Smudge socks Sophia's Tomten Spinning star trek Star Wars stash staycation Stephanie Japel stix-n-stitches student students superstition Surprise Baby Sweater sweater teaching the Birthday Massacre the chalkdust knitters the fashion show the L word the mighty boosh The Simpsons Threadbanger tomten toys tv twilight updates vacation Vibrant tomten Vickie Howell volunteer weddings weird nj wire work writing yarn Yarn Diva Yarn Harlot yarn store zoo
Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream