Saw these guys on CBS Sunday Morning. I love glass and this is just stunning...
Their names are Eric Markow and Thom Norris and their work is wonderful.
Saw these guys on CBS Sunday Morning. I love glass and this is just stunning...
Their names are Eric Markow and Thom Norris and their work is wonderful.
Posted by Zel, The Grimm Witch at 1/25/2009 5 comments
Spoiler that all the fans already knew about so don't be scared to continue reading but I'm writing as I'm watching it ...
Posted by Zel, The Grimm Witch at 1/18/2009 3 comments
Labels: the L word, tv
Posted by Zel, The Grimm Witch at 1/14/2009 3 comments
I'm pretty happy to be working with the Jarbo Garn yarn again as I re-start this tomten. The yarn feels like you're knitting with spun cloud - so puffy.
My friend asked me to start this for her niece. My originial intention was to have Griffin's and Sophia's in the same yarn, different colors so they'd match, but I stopped when she said the hot colors may be too much for her sister in law, but after she go Grif's tomten and was so pleased with it she agreed. The yarn is so great. I'm not one for a mix of these colors if i were to hear about it, but when I look at it I have to say I would totally put this on my kid...when I have one.
And Mom picked up this set of turbos that Jackie bought for herself and brought with her on Friday to the ChalkDust Knitter's meet up. I showed up late, had a Christmas party for work. The food was good and I got to have a beer - been craving one for a while and haven't gotten around to it.
Posted by Zel, The Grimm Witch at 1/11/2009 3 comments
Labels: Mom, Sophia's Tomten
I gave my friend the tomten I'd made for her son, Griffin, without taking finished photos and she just sent me these.
Posted by Zel, The Grimm Witch at 1/05/2009 3 comments
Labels: Griffin's Tomten
Here are the sox I'm working on for mom
Posted by Zel, The Grimm Witch at 1/04/2009 3 comments
Labels: baby blanket, jaywalkers, ripple blanket
Thank the Gods my college course is over. I was never able to find enough time for it. For whatever reason perhaps b/c of my rockin' SmartBoard, work I do at home for my job has increased and I find myself working at least two or three hours on work work after I get home at around 4:30. The move is slowly creeping forward and We need to start packing.
In between that I still have a huge amount of pressure at work. It doesn't feel like home away from home anymore. Every day I'm waiting for something else to go wrong.
I'm also trying to take the next few steps in my quest to be a mom. I suppose I should have listed that first in my non knitting pursuits, but sometimes my priorities get all jumbled.
So, cute things 1st. Smudge has made a wonderful recovery from the head tilt he had over the summer. We thought we'd loose him, and we hoped at the most that he'd live on unhindered by a permanent tilt, but he is my little hero and looks exactly just as healthy as he did before he was ill.
I didn't want to remember it so I didn't take pictures of his illness, but by the point the below was taken I was elated that he was alive and kickin' and thought this was going to be it for him so I snapped this shot.Well, since then he's improved greatly and is up to no good again. He discovered the moving boxes.
As previously promised I have some pics from Mr. G and my little trip to Phili for Eastern State Penitentiary's Terror Behind the Walls, a remarkable haunted house set up in the historical prison. Mr. G has yet to send me the few pics he took w/ his phone at the pen, but the next day we went to the Camden Aquarium (nice, but worth $45 some odd dollars per person?).
Many exhibits featured pumpkins for seasonal look.
Me looking at jaws from the extinct Megalodon.
View of hippo from the underwater area of their tank - this made it worth the money - they are extraordinary!
And the weekend's booty pictured next to my well loved copy of Watchmen. Can't wait for the flick. Mr. G bought me this Teddy Scares at the prison and he comes with a ball and chain...And at back tat!
Now for knitting...
I finished Griffin's tomten a while back and added monkey buttons, but don't have a pic yet. Finished the ripple blanket as to come. Its being washed as I type.
I knitting a baby surprise for a co-worker's brand new granddaughter, Sophia, out of CottonTots from Bernet. I love that stuff.
The buttons are butterflies.
In celebration of this festive Yule season I made my sister, a long time Impressionist fan, a pair of socks out of Rio de la Plata merino in the colorway Starry Night purchased from Yarnmarket.
I made a scarf for a student of mine that gifted me with some yarn. She crochets and I knew she would appreciate this and wanted to thank her for her gift.
In addition to finishing my tomten for Griffin's cousin, another adorable Sophia, I'm working on Jaywalkers for mom, and a top down cardigan out of Zebra Caribe.
And another Baby Surprise for another pregnant co-worker.
I just love this pattern. I love that I don't have to seam too much b/c I feel that's my weakness. I think it's a warm, practical jacket that can be made to look so different every time by simply changing the colors and the way in which they are used.
Just as the vacation rolls downhill to a too quick end the ChalkDust Knitters met up for a great meet at Pat's house. It was just so nice, her place is beautiful, and I enjoy our time together more than I ever thought I could. Pat gave me a great book on beading (very comprehensive...Thanks Pat!!) Those of us who were not able to make it were enormously missed.
Posted by Zel, The Grimm Witch at 1/03/2009 3 comments
Labels: Baby Surprise Jacket, eastern state, Elizabeth Zimmermann, Griffin's Tomten, house, knitting, Mom, Mr. Grimm Witch, Smudge, socks, Surprise Baby Sweater, the chalkdust knitters