Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Updates to Come
Monica of Stix-n-Stitches encouraged me to join their Ravelry group. I did so, and it kinda made me sort of interested in updating this site.
Ever since school started I've been spending most of my time away from the net. I took my first Library Science class (yes, I want to be a knitting librarian - but please banish all stereotypes from your mind). The class was stressful and confusing, but it seems that may have been more the professor and less the subject, so I've registered for two more this spring. The more I look into it the more I realize that's really what I want to do with my life.
I have been knitting, but haven't taken any pics. I will, though. I finished the sweater with the patagonia. I also began a black sweater for myself out of Cotton Ease, tore it out, and am going to make a baby sweater with the yarn. I started a shawl for my mother with some Wool in the Woods (it's listed as a Cherry Tree Hill yarn at but I heard CTH bought Wool in the Woods anyway). I'm waiting for the rest of my yarn and then I'll finish that up.
I used some lace weight Online mohair yarn I found in the discount pile at Stix-n-Stitches to start a really easy, lovely shawl from elann.comfor my mother in law, but am going to rip that up and make something for myself. She's been behaving like a lunatic and has ripped my heart out and pounced on it about ten times since the start of the school year. She's not at all elderly (only 67) but her lifestyle has aged her beyond her years. She calls constantly, mostly after 9 at night, when all good little teachers are in bed, and has been very manipulative and hurtful. The whole thing has been very stressful for my husband and myself.
Right now I'm also working on an EZ Tomten. My husband and I are planning to have a little one soon, so I figure I need to get rolling.
Pics to come.
My mother, sister, Pepper, and I were driving home from lunch out with friends when Pepper spotted a yarn store on the way home. A yarn store in northeastern NJ that we don't know about??? It can't be!! But it was. I'd be supplying you with the link, but there is none.
After a quick pit stop, mom and I went to Expressions Yarn Studio in Englewood, New Jersey. The small store front was decorated with plants, lined with shelves of yarn, and everything stood surrounding a homey knitting table complete with two customers hard at work.
All the yarn is hand dyed and appeared to be hand spun, although we're not sure. The dye jobs alone were entrancing. I was spellbound and suggested she make a web site for herself. The salt and pepper haired store owner and yarn artist was a bit shy about it, said she wouldn't know how, and I volunteered my services (not that I'm that good at it either, but I can get the job done.)
One of the two other customers said she thought a web site was unnessesary and would cheepen the shop owners work and yarn. Ehhh. I didn't get into it, but an artists web site doesn't just have to be about selling stuff. She can keep her minions informed (I say minions and not patrons purposely), attract new business to the store itself, and keep track of everything she's made, etc.
It seems she's very possesive of her yarn. Rather than allowing customers to come and go and pick and choose, she likes to have a heavy hand in any project that involves her yarn, and wants you to march along behind her.
When she gave us an estimate for the three skeins of gorgious turquoise cotton boucle we'd drooled over I nearly pissed myself. It was the most expensive yarn my newbie hands had ever caressed. I love Michaels', but I've been to Majestic Yarns in Ridgewood owned by the queen of Karabella, author of Runway Knits, Berta Karapetyan. (I have my autographed copy, do you??:)

Her yarn is stunning, but pricy - this Expressions stuff was on another planet. And then she insists that she wants to basically control what I'm going to knit with it a jillion dollars later, I think not.
If you love yarn, and are stomping through the northern region of the Garden State, stop by Expressions Yarn. Just know you'll either leave empty handed, or empty walleted.
Posted by Zel, The Grimm Witch at 12/28/2007 0 comments
Labels: baby clothes, Elizabeth Zimmermann, future projects, Runway Knits, school, yarn store